Updated 5.2021
Here is a list of local healthcare providers who have been vetted by Included Health for LGBTQ+ supportive care. Thank you to Included Health for providing us some of the research they have completed in the Boise area. https://www.includedhealth.com/
- Dr. Wall & Associates
- Dr. Misty L. Wall (She/her They/Them): Will see as young as 7 years old, will write WPATH letters
- Caroline Drummond (She/Her): Will see as young as 6 or 7 years old
- Quality Care Counseling
- Diane Piggot: Will write WPATH letters, 14 years old and up, in network with many plans but has had trouble with Micron employees’ insurance specifically in the past. No medicaid or medicare.
Mental Health General Resources
- Headspace Meditation website/app, offering free service now
- Crisis Text Line Always free texting service with trained individuals. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor.
- Self-Harm Prevention
- Online Therapy: A Directory of Online Counselors & Online Therapists
- Social media and cyberbullying guide
Resources for Older Adults
- Senior Planet At-Home Resources & Online Learning
Wondering how to fill up your day while you’re at home? Senior Planet has put together some great ideas and is now regularly streaming online events that can be joined from anywhere in the world. Various online courses are being taught including weekly stretch and meditation, online shopping and learning how to use Zoom to stay connected with friends and family via video meetings. SeniorPlanet.org - SAGE LGBTQ Elder Hotline If you are an LGBTQ elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free, at 877-360-LGBT (5428). The SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline
Resources for LGBTQ+ Adults
Resources for Youth
- Trevor Lifeline
- Q Chat Space
- Queer Kids Stuff
- Instagram Live Concerts every Wednesday 10am EST/8am MT on @queerkidstuff. The concerts will be recorded and more virtual programming is available through their web series.
Resources for Trans Community
- Trans Lifeline
To many LGBT+ people the internet is a valuable community, but often, coming out on the internet is as far as they can go due to a variety of hurdles and lack of resources. RESCQU NET seeks to bridge these “invisible” online communities with non-profits to provide resources, community, and support, while encouraging the growth of resources in unsupported areas.
http://www.rescqu.net/ - Susan’s Place
A transgender resource page founded by Susan Elizabeth Larson. Susan’s place includes chat, forums and informational articles.
https://www.susans.org/ - TransPulse
Our mission at TransPulse is to stop the transgender suicide epidemic. It’s a lofty goal, and one we take very seriously. We offer a sense of community and kinship for transgender folks, their families, their friends, and their allies. In our forums, you will find a friendly community with a wealth of knowledge and experience at its fingertips. Much the same, our live chat offers experience and moderators who are trained in suicide prevention.
https://www.transgenderpulse.com/ - Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to the wellbeing of transgender people. Trans Lifeline runs a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have. 877-565-8860
- LGBTHotline.org: National Hotline serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning community by providing free & confidential peer-supporting and local resources. Including youth and senior specific lines. (call: 888-843-4564)
- GLBT National Hotline: The GLBT National Hotline provide a safe environment on the phone or internet for people of all ages to discuss issues that they don’t feel comfortable talking about anywhere else.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (call: 1-800-273-8255; text HELLO to: 741741)
- National Eating Disorders Association Helpline (call: 1-800-931-2237 Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm EST and Fri 11am-5pm EST; text NEDA to: 741741 Mon-Thur 9am-9pm EST and Fri 9am-5pm EST)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (call: 1-800-799-7233; text LOVEIS to: 22522)
- National Runaway Safeline (call: 1-800-786-2929)
- The Trevor Project for youth ages 13-24 (call: 1-866-488-7386; text START to: 678678)
- RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline (call 1-800-656-4673)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline (call: 1-800-950-6264; NAMI to 741741
Resources for families
- Family Acceptance: Family Acceptance is a website written by parents for parents. This resource is for parents of LGBTQ individuals by parents of an LGBTQ individual. Participating parents do not identify as ministers or therapists, and have no political or cultural agenda. They are small-town American neighbors sharing their stories in the hopes of providing resources based on what they could not get for themselves: support, comfort, and understanding on a difficult issues