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heart with words equality for all
Image by Katherine Gomez from Pixabay

About Us​

Founded in December 1983, The Community Center (TCC) is  devoted to the LGBTQIA+ and allied population. TCC is committed to uniting the LGBTQIA+ community through educational and developmental programs by providing resources to the LGBTQIA+ community. TCC provides a safe and welcoming location for group meetings and social activities for youth groups, LGBTQIA+ support groups, women’s and transgender groups.

The Community Center is a non-profit 501(C)3 organization located at 1088 N Orchard St in Boise, Idaho.

We have open hours for drop-ins and volunteers:

Mon. 3:00PM-7:00PM
Thur. 5:00pm-8:00pm
Sat. 10:00AM-5:00PM

If you’d like to learn more about how to help or get involved, check out our donate page, volunteer page, event calendar, or drop us a line at

TCC is committed to uniting the LGBTQIA+ community, providing a regularly-updated referral directory for medical, counseling, and legal assistance. We also provide information for LGBTQIA+ individuals considering relocation to Idaho, as well as for employers and organizations with a desire to encourage diversity. With your generous, ongoing support we can continue improving the quality of lives for our neighbors and friends.

Our Mission

The Community Center is a welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ and allied organizations and individuals in the Treasure Valley. 

We help queer folks find belonging and community by providing fun and meaningful events and support groups at our facility and beyond. And we help inform folks about other local LGBTQIA+ events and resources, run a queer lending library with over 3,700 titles, and run a food pantry for community members experiencing food insecurity.

Our History

History of The Community Center 1983-2015

From an afternoon meeting in a north end Boise backyard emerged The Community Center (TCC).  Friends met and discussed how to bring some subtle notice and unity into the small Boise Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual community.  We discussed a community-wide calendar and somehow we began to think bigger.  The Community Center was launched.  We also thought a long time about names to use.  We settled on The Community Center with the subtitle, Resources for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual people.  We added Transgender folks to our subtitle many years later as we became more aware. The Paper, later Diversity, began as the first gay publication in Idaho.  TCC published Diversity for over 30 years.

For many years, we existed mostly as an organization with library books and occasional activities and no location.  In the 1970’s we had space on the ground floor of a community member’s house across from North Junior High.  Our library grew and we hired a director.  However, we had bigger appetites than funding, so we moved the library into a garage. The community owes many thanks to Nikki and Jae for taking such good care of the books for several years.

Your Family, Friends and Neighbors (YFFN) emerged with a bang in 1990 presenting Boise first Gay Pride Day.  Activities with these organizations along with the Imperial Sovereign Gem Court of Idaho (ISGCI) became the byword for the Boise Gay and Lesbian scene.  All worked together with the ‘NO on One’ Campaign to defeat Proposition One in 19. TCC then rented space on N 27th St and sublet space to YFFN.  At last, we had space for the library, which had grown to the largest GLBT source in Idaho. -Evie

Our Team

We are run solely by volunteers. Our team is made up of our Board of Directors and many amazing volunteers and community partners.