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LGBTQIA+ Cancer Support Group


TCC is spotlighting a monthly support group hosted by St. Luke’s Cancer Institute for LGBTQIA+ individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer. This group aims to provide support by fostering connections with those who have similar experiences. This group will also focus on providing education for topics relevant to the cancer journey.  This will be… Read More »LGBTQIA+ Cancer Support Group

QSA Teen Group at Meridian Library

Meridian Library District 1326 W Cherry Ln, Meridian, ID, United States

Cherry Lane Teen Space Every Tuesday 3:30pm – 4:30pm Program Type: Find Support, Join a Club or Group Age Group: Teens (grades 7-12) Program Description Event Details Welcome to our Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA)! If you’re 13-18 years old and you’re a part of, an ally of, or curious about the LGBT+ community, you’re invited! We… Read More »QSA Teen Group at Meridian Library


LGBTQ+ AA Meeting “A Vision for You”

4821 Franklin Rd Boise, ID, United States

In-personLGBTQIAA OpenOpen meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Non alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.Wright’s Church4821 W. Franklin St, Boise, 83705

Queer Craft & Movie Night

The Community Center - TCC 1088 N Orchard St, Boise, ID, United States

Join us for a night of fun and collaboration while we make crafts and watch “The Nightmare before Christmas”! Feel free to bring your own craft supplies or use some of ours. Let’s have a fun time celebrating the holiday season together!   Hosted by TransHoming Project and NeuroQueer Collective. Donations are a huge help! Learn… Read More »Queer Craft & Movie Night

A Space for Aces

The Community Center - TCC 1088 N Orchard St, Boise, ID, United States

A Space for Aces is a safe place for individuals who are or might be on the ACE/ARO spectrums to build community, socialize, learn, and support one another. No judgment. All confidential. Friends and allies welcome. Light snacks and drinks will be provided. We meet the second Thursday of each month from 6-7pm. There is… Read More »A Space for Aces

LGBTQ+ AA Meeting “A Vision for You”

4821 Franklin Rd Boise, ID, United States

In-personLGBTQIAA OpenOpen meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Non alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.Wright’s Church4821 W. Franklin St, Boise, 83705

Silent Book Club Downtown Boise

The Community Center - TCC 1088 N Orchard St, Boise, ID, United States

Bring any book you're reading and introduce yourself to the group along with your book and spoiler-free summary. Spend the rest of the time reading! If you wish/are able, please bring a snack/favorite holiday treat to share. This is a great introvert's way to gather with community. This event is open to the public ages… Read More »Silent Book Club Downtown Boise

Fiber Creations (Knit & Crochet)

ALL EXPERIENCE LEVELS WELCOME TO ATTEND Join us to crochet or knit. You can bring your own project to enjoy time together. New participants will be provided either the crochet hook or knitting needles along with yarn. Instructor: Mandy will be available to teach crocheting on even months and then knitting on the odd months.


The Community Center - TCC 1088 N Orchard St, Boise, ID, United States

Come join us for a fun fast paced game of BUNCO! (a dice game!) Bring 3 dice and a pen if you want, we have plenty! No money.  Prizes will be awarded!

Liberating Spirit MCC Worship Service

Worship Services every Sunday at 12:45pm at The Center (1088 N Orchard Rd, Boise, ID).* We invite you to join us as you are, without concern for any of the reasons that have kept many from church. Living Christ’s all-inclusive love. Liberating Spirit Metropolitan Community Church (LSMCC) is a church where everyone has a voice… Read More »Liberating Spirit MCC Worship Service

YAD (Youth Alliance for Diversity)

The Community Center 1088 N Orchard St, Boise, ID, United States

YAD (Youth Alliance for Diversity) provides a safe environment that fosters education, socialization, and a sense of unity within the community. YAD strives to provide youth with the opportunity to meet and receive the support of other youth who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or straight supportive, and to provide the opportunity to interact… Read More »YAD (Youth Alliance for Diversity)

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